Anniversary Spotlight on Christopher Choi


As IntelliDyne marks its 25th anniversary, we are taking a moment to reflect on the journey that has brought us here, made possible by the dedication, hard work, and innovation of our employees. In celebrating this significant milestone, we’re not just looking back at our achievements; we’re also shining a light on the individuals who have been instrumental in shaping IntelliDyne’s legacy. This year we’re not only celebrating our successes, but the success of our people, especially those who have been with us for the long haul.

In these Anniversary Spotlights, we’re asking our tenured employees a series of questions designed to delve into their personal stories and experiences. From memorable projects that filled them with pride, to the evolution of their roles, to moments of teamwork and camaraderie that exemplify our culture. We explore the values and principles that make IntelliDyne unique, and the initiatives that have had a positive impact on our company, our people, and our clients.

Join us as we embark on this journey of reflection and celebration, honoring the people who have made IntelliDyne what it is today. Here’s to 25 years of excellence, innovation, and community —with many more to come.

How long have you been with IntelliDyne, Chris?
I am coming up on my 15-year service anniversary this August.

Looking back at your time with IntelliDyne, what do you believe sets the company apart in terms of its impact on employees, clients, and the community?
I find IntelliDyne to be a very approachable organization. You can easily talk to Program Managers, Service Operations Managers, or your direct manager anytime with any questions or concerns. They are always happy to listen and discuss, whether it’s a simple question or a bigger issue. I’ve never felt like they’re too busy to talk. This applies even to managers or leads located in other states. They always respond quickly by email or phone call. In contrast, at previous companies I’ve worked for, it was much harder to get immediate interaction.

Could you describe a moment when you felt a strong sense of camaraderie or teamwork at IntelliDyne? What project or event brought your team together in a special way?
I was assigned a task to develop a new monitoring system for network connectivity and servers. I collaborated with colleagues at headquarters in Virginia and engineers from other states to gather valuable input. Their insights were incredibly helpful since I was new to this monitoring application. This experience reminded me of a saying from our San Diego Site Manager: ‘Happiness never decreases by being shared.’It reinforces IntelliDyne’s commitment to teamwork, which makes it a great place to work.

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